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A Brief Introduction to the Human Rights Master Program
The Research Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law,
Peking University Law School


The Peking University Law School (PULS) and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Lund University, Sweden (RWI) have been cooperating in the field of human rights promotion and education since 1997. In 2002, the PULS Research Center for Human Rights (renamed Research Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in 2008), China's first academic institution on human rights, developed a proposal for a human rights program for master's candidates to be implemented in cooperation with the RWI. The university approved of the adding a Research Direction in Human Rights within the current Master of International Law program at PULS. With financial support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), the proposal was further developed and various preparations carried out in 2003. In February 2004, a 3-semester Research Direction in Human Rights for master students was launched at Peking University.


The objective of the program is to contribute to the establishment of a cadre of professionals skilled to work institutionally and individually for the promotion and protection of human rights in China, to contribute to the institutionalization of academic human rights Programs at the master level at the elite education institution in China, and to provide a model for similar initiatives at other Chinese universities.


The duration of the Program is three semesters. The preliminary plan is that each round of the Program enrolls 20 students (25 since 2008) from postgraduate students of Peking University. The Program is composed of eight courses. The Program students complete these courses while taking their own degree courses for the first school year, and write thesis in the third semester (not required since 2011). In order for the students to obtain a Program certificate jointly issued by PULS and RWI, 12 of the 36 credits required for a master degree at Peking University must be credits from the human rights. All Program students and teachers are given a set of four English language human rights textbooks at the beginning of each year. The Program students and teachers will be also provided with additional reading materials and books in Chinese and English in accordance with the reading requirements of each course. PULS has since 1998 received collections of English human rights literature from RWI as part of the Literature Acquisition project, providing a basic human rights library for the students and teachers.


Over 200 program students have been selected since 2004 among thousands of applicants from inter alia the Law School, the School of International Relations, Department of Sociology, Guanghua School of Management, School of Government, School of Economics, and School of Journalism and Communication. These Program students have high English proficiency and strong interest in human rights protection. Three groups of students will graduate from the Program within the framework of the 2004-2007 RWI Capacity Building Program. In the future, students from other universities in Beijing and other cities should also be able to apply for the Program, provided that matters such as credit recognition and thesis writing can be solved among the universities.


This Program is funded by SIDA through RWI. The SIDA grants cover the cost of the visiting professor who teaches four courses in English at Peking University, the cost of necessary teaching materials, office equipment and personnel support as well as a research stipend. PULS has the main responsibility for the management of the Program, including student admission and enrolment, schedules, teachers, classrooms, exams, tutoring, thesis defense, etc. RWI has a general advisory and supervisory responsibility as regards implementation and development of the Program.


On 9 February 2004 the opening ceremony of this Program was launched. Eight program courses has since then been regularly given to students, which include Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Civil and Political Rights, International Human Rights Protection Mechanisms, Business and Human Rights, Regional Protection of Human Rights, Minority Rights Protection, Lecture Series on the Protection of Human Rights, and International Humanitarian Law. As the first institution that introduces human rights education in its curricula (since 1998), the Center provides the broadest human rights curriculum among Chinese universities and research institutions, with four courses given in English. Many students interested, though not within the Program, have also taken the above-mentioned courses as selective courses or audited them.


In addition to the regular courses, the Program has been inviting renowned scholars and practitioners in legal- or human rights-related fields to give lectures to the Program students. The lectures, together with reform and experimental measures in teaching, have achieved positive outcomes. Most Program students speak highly of the Program’s progress and its influence on individuals. Each summer, the Program will reach out to the international organizations, government agencies and domestic enterprises to get internship opportunities for the Program students during the vacation.


It is of profound practical relevance to launch the research direction on human rights while China has revised its constitution to better protect human rights. It is in this sense that this Program also marks the forefront of the reform in law education. However, practical obstacles are still to overcome to make the Program sustainable. The Peking University side has reached an agreement with RWI for independent and sustainable development of the Program, on the basis of which, from 2004 to 2007, SIDA provides the Program with the core fund while PULS gradually undertakes the responsibility of managing the Program and covering the entire financial cost.


With the development of human rights protection in China, career opportunities are open for graduates from the Program. Not only the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and academic and research institutes are looking for such talents, but also law firms and civil society will be in increasing need of professionals in the field of human rights. It is worth pointing out that there are few human rights professionals from China working at international organizations and human right agencies within the United Nations system. The development of this Program will certainly help build a candidate pool in this field.




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