Good afternoon to Professor Morten Kjaerum, and good evening to all the distinguished guests from China. Thanks to internet, I can get connected with the teachers and fellows that I would walk with along the precious one-year journey, even if the pandemic Covid-19 is still raging on all over the world.
I’m Esen Erbolat, Programme New Student of 2020. It’s been a great honor to be here and deliver the speech. I’m from Xinjiang, a northwestern province in China, and also, it once drew the world’s attention because of its Human rights issues. At that time, I was so confused that Xinjiang is indeed becoming safer and safer, and we don’t have to worry about being attacked by terrorists on the street anymore. But why are the western media are still criticizing that we are not protecting the human rights? What are human rights? From then on, I became interested in human rights issues.
And fortunately, I get accepted by the human rights master program, which empowers me with systematic knowledge genealogy. Prof. Bai Guimei introduced the International Human Rights Charter to us patiently, leading us firstly stepped into the new world. Ambassador Liu Xinsheng but also showed us how Chinese diplomatic officers and UN officers are working to run the whole system. And Prf. Gentian Zyberi’s generous sharing. And so on. All the teachers presented great passion on the topic they are working on. And we are greatly educated, inspired, and encouraged to make our own effort on the area. And I am going to be a volunteer teacher in the remote area in Xinjiang to provide aid education for a year. Being able to contribute to the local education is a great experience for me to apply what I learn into practice.
Moreover, the multiple backgrounds of every program fellows enriched the class deeply. We can make friends with CGTN reporter, Japanese language major student, volunteers in UNESCO, WFP, doctors from Tsinghua Law School and so on. We debate, we share the relevant materials, we keep growing in this big family.
Even if it was just half a year with teachers and fellows, I already have gained so much. I believe that after one-year academic training, we, the students from class of 2020, will make our own sound in human rights area.
I would like to end my speech with a quote from a famous Chinese writer, Lu Xun, the infinitely distant places, the countless people, are all related to me. 无穷的远方,无数的人们,都和我有关。
幸运的是,去年我被人权法硕士项目录取了。课程带着我们基本梳理了学术领域的人权保护知识图谱。白桂梅教授为我们介绍了《国际人权宪章》,带领我们第一次踏入这个新的学术领域;刘昕生大使向我们展现了中国外交官以及联合国官员的工作内容和状态,他在讲到为人权事业牺牲的联合国同事时的哽咽,也深深地打动了我。还有Gentian Zyberi教授、阎天教授、李红海教授等老师们传授的知识都让我们获益良多。所有的老师都在各自的研究领域向我们展现出了极大的热情。我们被感染、被鼓舞、被振奋去在相关领域做出我们自己的努力。下半年,我即将前往新疆,成为一名基层支教老师。能够近距离观察欠发达地区的教育事业发展路经,对我来说是一次难能可贵的学习和成长的机会,我将进一步感受中国是如何尽力去保障贫困地区、少数民族地区孩子们的受教育权,并深入地参与其中。