The topic of human rights can be simple or complex. Basedon simple empathy and natural ideas, natural human rights seem to be eternaltruths, but looking back on history, the road of human rights is covered withthorns and blood, and it is not easy to fight for the most basic human rightsconsensus. And nowadays, in the face of the impact of new technologies such asthe Internet and the expansion of administrative power, the concept of humanrights is highly professional and decentralized. We need to work together andexplore. I have learned a lot from the one-year course, which includes patientteaching with transcendental legal principles and ethical standards, as well asa large number of empirical cases to shape the knowledge structure, and ofcourse, an unforgettable Cambodian field trip, Let me realize how difficult itis to balance free development and human rights protection under the fiercecompetition between countries. As my course continues to be reconstructed, Ialso realize that the end of the course is not the end of the career, but thecontinuation of faith. I am grateful for the precious learning opportunitiesgiven to me by the Peking University Human Rights Research Center, and I thankthe RWI and the teachers for their hard work. The road to human rights is long,and I will try my best to explore.人权议题可简可繁。基于朴实的同理心和自然观念,天赋人权似乎是永恒的真理,但回顾历史,人权之路遍布荆棘与鲜血,博取最基本的人权共识并不容易。且在当今,面对互联网等新型技术的冲击和行政权的扩张,人权观念呈现高度专业化和分散化的趋势,如何在纷杂的社会关系下坚守底线,加持理性,谋求全人类幸福最大化需要我们共同努力与探索。一年的课程收获良多,既有带着先验主义色彩的法律原则和道德标准的谆谆教诲,也有大量的实证案例形塑知识架构,当然,还有难忘的柬埔寨实地考察之行,让我意识到在国与国的激烈竞争下,平衡自由发展与人权保护有多么困难。我的观点随着课程的推进不断重构,我也意识到,课程的结束并非事业的终点,而是信念的延续。感恩北京大学人权研究中心给予我的宝贵的学习机会,感恩老师们和RWI负责人的辛苦付出。人权道路漫漫,吾将上下求索。Wang Ye 王也是首都师范大学2017级宪法与行政法硕士、北京大学人权硕士项目2019级学员,这是他的结业感言。