Hello Everyone,
It is such an honor and a great pleasure to be here as a representative of Class of 2019. Thank you very much for having me today. I’d like to share what we learned from the Human Rights program of Perking University Law School and Raoul Wallenberg Institute; and how did I benefit from this program, connecting with both of my academic and personal life as well as career.
Learning law is a process of problem solving through legal reasoning. Learning human rights is a process of breaking stereotypes and making the promotion and protection of human rights through legal instruments and on-the-ground activities. In 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights brought human rights into the realm of international law. As we all know that all human beings are born free and equal. Human rights are universal and every person around the world deserves to be treated with dignity and equality. We not only learned about Principles of equality and non-discrimination; International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Convention on the Rights of the Child, Rights of women, Right of Minorities and International humanitarian law, but also learned the environmental rights, the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and Social orientation and gender identity by a group of amazing professors and experts. The program touches every challenge humanity faces, from humanitarian work to future development, and more. Learning from this program is exciting and rewarding, because we are not only gaining knowledge from the classes, we are also working for humanity. We are trying to be aware of and connecting to what we learned to make the society a better place to live in.
Last year, I’ve participated in ILO-UN Women Conference on Gender Equality and Future of Work. During the conference, a list of issues and problems, for instance unpaid care and domestic work, violence and harassment, mental health and the idea of family-friendly workplace have been discussed. Connecting to my working field, some related subjects from our human rights program are very helpful. I have immersed in an environment to keep reminding me to pay attention to human rights in details in our daily life. I believe the program inspired my classmates as well and actually I’ve heard most of them saying that they got benefited from our human rights program.
Last but not the least, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all of the professors, faculties and employees who are participated in the master's program of human rights supported by Research Center of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Peking University of Law school and Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. Thank you very much for providing the opportunity for students to learn in a dynamic and multicultural environment to pursue the individual's pursuit of truth and academic freedom. Our classmates, who come from different universities and departments of work, are from many backgrounds, and have varied experiences. It is an exciting and unique challenge to be part of such an academic environment, because it leads to a broader understanding of all the world's countries and cultures. I would highly recommend this program to others and strongly encourage them to apply.
All the best to the Human rights program and happy graduation. Thank you very much.
学习法律是通过法律推理解决问题的过程。学习人权是一个打破陈规定型观念、通过法律文书和实地活动促进和保护人权的过程。1948年,《世界人权宣言》的通过,将人权正式纳入 了国际法的范畴。众所周知,人人生而自由与平等。人权理念是全球广泛适用的,世界各地的每一个独立个体都应该得到有尊严的并且平等的对待。通过来自人权硕士项目的一群德才兼备的老师们及专家们的言传身教,我们不仅学习了平等和不歧视原则、《经济,社会及文化权利国际公约》、《儿童权利公约》、妇女权利、少数者权利和国际人道法;同时也学习了环境权、残障人的权利,以及性取向和性别认同等。该项目从人道主义工作到未来发展等涉及到了人权领域面临的一些挑战。从中学习是令人振奋而受益匪浅的,因为我们不仅仅是从课堂上获得知识,我们也在为生活点滴中的人道主义而奋斗。我们觉醒并在日常中意识到我们课堂中学习的人权领域知识,并在尝试尽自己的绵薄之力做出一些积极地改变。